Techniques, Research, Innovations for the Building and Urban

Neighborhoods & public spaces

Site diagnosis or environmental approach to urban planning

As an essential prerequisite to any project, we carry out site diagnoses following the example of the environmental approach to urban planning (AEU) but proposing a holistic approach to the territory that is not limited to environmental issues.

Analysis method: The 8 webs of the site

The superimposition of the 8 frameworks generates a holistic reading of the territory's issues in its synergies and interactions.

  •     The stem frame, the invariant, the support of the project: location, topography, geology (soil and subsoil), heritage and urban context
  •     The circular grid, resource management and waste: identification of local resources and channels, networks, renewable energy potential, waste management and reuse potential, carbon footprint, energy balance in relation to the objectives of the PCAET
  •     The sensitive framework, environmental health: identification of pollution, acoustic and electromagnetic pollution, natural and technological risks, analysis of exposure to acoustic pollution and air quality for sensitive populations
  •     The blue framework, water cycle, hydrographic system of the site, management of rainwater on the site
  •     The green framework, biotopes, ecological network, guaranteeing the circulation of species and biodiversity
  •     The climatic framework, climate and microclimate, analysis of the climatic and microclimatic characteristics of the site, analysis of climate change
  •     The soft grid, sustainable human flows, study of soft travel, access to public transport
  •     The inhabited framework, sustainable lifestyles, functional, social and cultural mix, analysis of social uses and ecological precariousness


Bioclimatic design of neighbourhoods
  •     Co-design of urban projects

With teams of urban planners, architects and landscape designers, we bring our expertise on environmental and bioclimatic issues. We have simple evaluation and optimization tools essential to an iterative approach to design choices.

  •     Inspire, encourage innovation, share feedback

For each project, we propose innovative solutions by sharing examples of exemplary buildings and developments in sustainable lifestyles (urban agriculture, shared services, participatory housing, etc.).

Our missions include the following expertise:

  •     Optimization of the urban form according to the multiple stakes of access to the sun, to the light, to the protection of pollution, to the consideration of soft mobility, of water management, of biodiversity and of the mobilization of resources
  •     Technical studies of energy performance and renewable energy supply, calculation of carbon footprint, resource balance, pre-sizing of water management;

    Benchmark of innovative solutions

Assistance to the project owner, chief environmentalist

We monitor the environmental quality and sustainable development of urban operations, from programming to the delivery of buildings and public spaces.

  • The requirement of quality and dialogue with the actors

We assist elected officials, local authorities and developers, at the pre-operational stage, in the formalization of major strategic issues for the future of the territories (charter of commitments, sustainable development strategy, reference framework, roadmap, etc.)

  • Operational and educational tools

Our materials are designed to be educational and precise.

Our missions integrate the following expertises:

  •     Feasibility: bioclimatic, energy, carbon...
  •     Prescriptions: specifications, lot sheet, specifications
  •     Assistance in the selection of project managers in the context of competitions or calls for tender
  •     Support and monitoring of projects from design to construction, until delivery
Evaluation of urban projects and Ecoquartier approach
  •     Participatory approach, mobilization of all stakeholders

We involve all stakeholders in the evaluation process

  •     An experience of EcoQuartier labels

We help project managers to prepare EcoQuartier label applications, based on our experience.

Evaluation methodology :

  •     Definition of appropriate indicators
  •     Multi-criteria analysis grid
  •     Creation of a project database, which can be georeferenced
  •     Educational synthesis
  •     Recommendations for improvement


Project management and project management of public spaces

We support project owners and landscape architects in the environmental quality of public spaces: urban comfort, heat island, biodiversity, water management, resource saving and reuse; and this in all phases: from design to construction.


Our missions include the following expertises:

  •     Diagnosis of the site
  •     Bioclimatic studies in relation to the envisaged uses (sunlight simulations, aeraulic simulations, vegetation, water management)
  •     Multi-criteria choice of materials (carbon footprint, local resources, reuse, impact on the heat island...) and plants (adaptation to climate change, allergenic power, biodiversity, urban cooling power...)
  •     Low-nuisance construction site and evaluation